ALOUD: A Workshop for Live Storytelling!
Stories are an important part of the work that our grantees and partners do every day. It is through these stories that we change behaviors and mindsets. Collecting and crafting stories are only the beginning: we also need to know how to deliver our stories effectively.
HealthPath is pleased to welcome Andy Goodman back to Ohio for three sessions of ALOUD: A Workshop for Live Storytelling. Each workshop will be the same; you need only attend one.
During this 3-hour, intensive workshop, participants will develop and share one story about their organization's work. Andy will lead participants through the ALOUD curriculum, which includes:
The Structure and Qualities of Effective Stories: Before we can work on the art of delivering a story, we have to ensure that each participant has a solid story to tell. This segment reviews the basic architecture and distinguishing qualities of “dramatic narrative,” i.e., stories which are specifically designed to engage and motivate an audience.
Why Beginnings and Endings Matter Most: Even with stories as short as 2-3 minutes, the first and last words out of the storyteller’s mouth play crucial roles in the success of their story. This segment will show examples of strong beginnings and endings and will provide time for participants to craft these crucial sections for their stories.
Being Specific, Concrete and Visual: When stories aren’t supported by slides or video, the only thing the audience has are the words coming out of the storyteller’s mouth. This segment teaches participants how to tell stories that can be easily visualized – a critical factor if audiences are to become engaged.
Being You, Only Better: The final segment will focus on basic public speaking skills including eye contact, vocal control, and podium presence. Each storyteller will have the opportunity to practice the delivery of their story and receive feedback from the facilitator and other participants.
The registration deadline has passed. Click the link below if you have any questions about the workshop.