“Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but it has not solved one yet.” ~ Maya Angelou
HealthPath Foundation of Ohio denounces racism and stands in solidarity for intersectional equity and racial healing with individuals and organizations across Ohio and the United States. HealthPath is committed to racial and intersectional equity in our governance, operational practices, external partnerships, and grant investments. We implore you, as grantees, partners, vendors, and friends to speak out against and teach yourself about racism and other forms of discrimination regarding ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, age, nationality, immigration, socioeconomic status, and other identities, and to take action in your community to end white supremacy, racial injustice, and all other forms of oppression.
At our June 5th board meeting, we had an opportunity to reflect on HealthPath’s 20th Anniversary Event, where Dr. Gail Christopher gave the keynote address. Dr. Christopher, the visionary for America’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation effort, provided the keynote address at our foundation celebration. Prior to Dr. Christopher’s address, our board, staff and partners had the opportunity to participate in the Racial Equity Institute’s Groundwater and two-day Phase I training that imparted the seldom-taught truth about the history of racism in America. We distributed Ta-Nehisi Coates’ book: Between the World and Me and Sarah Smarsh’s book: Heartland. We developed a strategic plan that includes internal and external diversity, equity and inclusion policy measures and practices.
At HealthPath, we are taking explicit, proactive actions that further the work that’s been started. We know these learnings and actions are just the beginning, we must do more, and we will. Leaning on recommendations such as those of Edgar Villanueva in Decolonizing Wealth, the HealthPath board is committed to using the endowment for health equity impact investing. Furthermore, the board discussed Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing with our two investment advisors and formed a board committee to spearhead these and other equity strategies in the coming months.
We agree with the Health Policy Institute of Ohio that: “racism is a systemic and ongoing public health crisis.”
HealthPath will be a philanthropy that promotes intersectional equity and denounces racism and all other forms of discrimination and oppression in our governance, operations, and investments.